club penguin!!

Being mean or rude
Report them
Saying their address

Here are all the tour guide answers. For the quiz they only give you 8 questions but there are only 15 questions they can choose from. here they are ( the things in bold are the answers)

Which color of puffle can catch fire?



In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
book room
boiler room
Coffee shop

Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the back round?
coffee shop
dance club
pizza shop
pet shop

How does the pink puffle play?
Blow bubbles
Skips with a skipping rope
Flies around wearing a propeller cap
Rolls a ball around

What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?
the red scarf
the green running shoes
the Viking helmet
the chef hat

How many sled racing tracks are there?

Which room has a cuckoo clock?
ski lodge
pet shop
pizza shop

How do you get a pin?

buy it in the gift shop
click on it
throw a snowball at it
walk on top of it

Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?

book room
pet shop
lodge attic

What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?
The swift swimmer
The voyager
The icebreaker
The Migrator

What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of bean counters?
A candlestick
A flower pot
A brick
A teapot

What day does the newspaper come out?

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

Which of these games has a shark in it?

Jetpack adventure
Cart surfer
sled race

How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

hidden items on catalog

click on wetsuit for secret goggles

click on electric guitar for a red electric guitar
click on headphones for a red vinking helment

 pizza fish click on the pizza for a fish to pop up on the pizza!!

catlog for igloos for the throne click on the  princeses for king or queen throne it a red throne

secret places

iceberg: click on the clound that looks likea clound but isnt one

dojo: click on the mountain and ull be in the dogo in the far place that looks a bit black

mining place: click on the shack  if it doesnt work click it twice

mini games

for astro barriror whatever it is jus click 1 for lvl 10 2 for lvl 20 3 for lvl  30

cart surfing if u want to do a cool trick jus press down,double space bar  dont do this on corners ull mess up!
Did you know there are hidden jokes on Club Penguin?

Here is how to find them.

Step 1. Click on the newspaper icon in the upper left.
Step 2. Click to the Jokes page.
Step 3. Click on the word, “Jokes” in the upper right of the newspaper.

You will see 2 more jokes!

 press t and click any where  jus keep pressing t and click some where ull throw lots of snow balls

weird thing

I know a cool secret thing!
1.Go to your igloo
2.Click on one of your puffles
3.Keep your puffles card on but go somewhere
4.Click on feed rest or pkay with your puffle
5.Your puffle will do that at your igloo!

 cool way of winning on racing on top of the mountain

go to the second lane on the right where ur facing u like at the computer only at bunny hill

big fish how to catch it

 keep a fish and then when he comes let it get it this is in the fishing game